About Me

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A Scorpio, I am. Sign of water/sexuality. Emotion. Myers/Briggs personality test resulted INTF (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving) 100% accurate! Only 1% of the world pop. has this personality type; the other 99% has trouble relating to INTF's! I am extremely introverted, can handle noise/crowds for exactly 1 hour before retreating to the quiet or my music somewhere. Oddly enough, I am drawn to customer service. I know these things: I love who I am! I love emotion. I am vulnerable. I care deeply. I love. And I love deeply. I will wait it out for return. I long to be loved. My children are my world. Nature is my solace, my constant, my peace. I hear each bird's tweet, adore shapes in the clouds, share the moon with everyone I know, smile at the song of my windchimes, wonder at the growth of a flower, drive to chase sunsets, enjoy a great storm, relax fully when the ocean is outside my door. My favorite word is dance. Dance represents how I strive to live..to a beat that allows my body and soul to release in rhythm. I am over 50 now. Dance with me ... while there is still time!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

truly hard to predict
that blow you away
difficult to grasp
in there
you already knew
other moments
nano-second thoughts
an "off" feel
eye contact
that sixth sense
all led
to that "blow away" moment
of which
was "already known"
really knowing

a journal entry
lies the only proof
words written
two months ago
where enormous
was cast
upon the subject
of this entry
you didn't know
eerie, it could be
you didn't understand
or believe
the true gift
of connection
or what it is
to be mate
of another soul

on so many levels
my heart pours forth
in sadness
with love
to this news
just learned
already known
in a place

Sunday, March 3, 2013

January went first ... Now February gone too

Don't take my writing
my heart, my soul
Give back the words
to swirl and twirl
Wanna dance, wanna dance
oh, I wanna dance again, so bad
Annoying snow on my day off
White coverage, not enough for a plow
Car troubles leave me to tremble
A prayer a minute to get me to the next
I could feel sorry, drown in self pity
Yes there are days I do just that
Yet there's a strength that pulls me through
Too much TV, who would have thought
Life flying by, feeling not a part
Not quite sure how to jump start
My heart's getting cold, heading towards stone
That places panic in many of my days
Incredible stupidity I have previously displayed
Tears at that fills moments in my days
Security of my life, the form of man
Absent now for the last quarter of year
Who am I, where the hell do I go
What do I take with me and what to leave behind
Something needy in me sometimes resides
A partner in life, a friend for comfort and strife
So much to share; God show me the way
Let the lack of money not control my days
Remind me of pride; let it trickle back to me
Let me hold up my head; let light shine again in my eyes
Let my smile return, beauty fill my days
Fill me with words
And amazing creativity
Drive me, drive me
Shine me with the inspiration gifted me
Let me fill up on my Danny
My Shannon
My Brendan
My Shane
The glory of motherhood brightens my days!
What another moon!
Full and air so cold!
An oblong cloud hovers just below
A smiling sight
as I catch it through the blinds
Then outdoors I go
to see it full
Life revives!!  :)
Tweeting birds when I opened the door!
Their sound exploded and gave me smile!
Warm today, they came out to play
Mid-winter bird sound loves the soul
I saw you today; your back to me
As I walked by
Inside the doors at work; you on the phone
I walked by to smoke my cig
Later, I heard a customer saw a man
shove a gun into his back waistband
I'm thinking that's why you were there
I miss you still; (those months engraved
forever in my heart, my mind, my soul)
Thank you for the protection; even though
we didn't even really know
I still wait. . . a text . . . a call
they do not come
Do you ever think of me; any part of you
"miss" me? . . . for real
Every once in a while, a single tear,
maybe two, escape my eyes
because it just happens that I immerse myself in you
I try to believe that when you see me,
this same thing,
or a version of, happens to you
So still, my heart belongs to you
even as I begin to tug it ever so gently
away from you
And when there might be glimpses of you
it's the hardest . . .
to try to forget about you
Foolish? Silly?
Still in love
with the fantastic idea of you
M O M   P R O M!!!
And last one;
Thank you for the dance(s),
my last wonderful son! ! !
My Haiku Day . . .
~Sun pouring through blinds
makes opening my green eyes
a pure blissful day!
~Sounds of a day off
dishwasher, washing machine
hum in unison
~My days with NETFLIX
as wasteful as they may seem
relax, re-charge me
~Just as day gets good
Yet another curve ball throws
So tired of dodging
~One day almost good
then moment explodes the peace
up against the wall
~Could totally use
a new importance in life
someone to love me
~Wanna feel that feel
to love, be loved, butterflies
to be a half of
...really, really just wanna
up and down, up and down
my days, my life
daylight fading now
sky soon to be black
nightfall; midnight;
then day comes again
La Casa dinner tonight . . . all kids
and two girl/boyfriends!
Family growing and it makes
my smiling heart proud
Birthday dinners, oldest and youngest,
life's greatest accomplishment
Time spent with them all at once
is a treasure I cherish
in the time to the next
Like a spring day ... full sunshine
fills this house, heart and soul of mine
What there is to do even sparkles
as motivation and inspiration
replace the heaviness inside
Birds confused . . . reflected in their song;
scrambled; loud; nothing unison about it;
all singing out of tune.
Weather returning to winter . . . snow days coming our way;
cold; bluster; sky full of grey;
nothing pretty or comforting about it.
Flying crazy . . . disengaged;
one for all; no pattern; just fly; no understanding
how perceived spring falls back to winter's cold and blow
Sun tries desperately to make appearance
Squeezing through grey, but grey pushes back
Yet there is a shining/reflection off white of snow
Take me through this day; let it all ebb and flow
Sometimes I absolutely love the quiet moments I linger in the chair once the TV/noise goes off and all the lights are out . . . but candles flicker their flame.  I can hear the world outside . . . the wind blowing and my chimes chiming.  And I wonder . . . how many other people in the world are still awake . . . and then, is there anyone, anywhere, out there that has thought of me today . . . and if so, I pray there was a smile upon their face.  And if so, I hope for some tiny moment in time they danced with me.
~ Dances With Terri ~

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I believe in Valentine's Day ... and always will

V  alentine's Day . . .

A  lways acknowledge and anticipate

L  avish in love and laughter

E  engage and emphasize embellishment

N  arrate your nature and nature with naivety

T  rust time thoughtfully and thankfully

I  gnite imagination and illuminate your identity

N  estle, nurture, and nourish nuclear needs

E  scort your essence and essential esteem

Happy Valentine's Day!!

~ Dances with Terri 02/14/13 ~

Monday, February 11, 2013

dance, dance, dance
you have
you can
you will
way too long since i have been here
way too long since i have felt

time to take back ... take charge
give spark to my dance

no one to dance with?
just dance Ter, and they will come

... goodness will come

"In the moment we are born we're drawn to form a union with others ...
an abiding drive to connect ...
to love ...
to belong."
from Revenge, episode airing 2/10/13
~a jumpstart!
Dance Ter, Dance

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Cruising Eureka Springs in a Murano - top down!
Spectacular foilage graced streets and hills
Autumn's dance, like no other
Tourists & residents danced together
Joyful, hometown-feel treasure
Where the springs run deep
In this Ozark mountain culture
Bikers too, filled the streets and taverns
Cruising by, they danced like feathers
Soulful cruising heals the wounds
Peace pours forth in passion found
Eureka Springs, you filled a space
That longing knows is saved for great
The dance was perfect on that Sunday drive
Re-igniting a crave for life, outside of mine

. . . . . . . . . . .

Cycles lined the row
empowered presence is the story it told
to some, it releases a fear
to me, it releases a freedom sheer
 . . . a dance, where the road is clear
my heart reacts to this scene
       over and over
expanding and pounding
as it longs to be a part of

"Genuine Harley" refers
to both bike and rider

~ Dancing With Terri  10/23/12 ~

Gold To The Soul ...

Back home, a level of restlessness settles in my bones...

The drives through the hills
the beauty of fall everywhere
filled ever pore of my being
The cycles,
Harleys and Hogs,
created want flowing through my blood...

Twisting, turning . . . crimsons and scarlets
Upwards, downwards . . . winds carry the fallen
Dancing, prancing in their fate of glory

Beautiful here on this top down drive
Cattle roam . . . then the magical hills
Color bursting on flat and dome

Scarlet red, Crimson gold
Peach parfait, Tanning bronze
Pumpkin orange, Amber blast

Senses purring, all drama lost
Heart responds to thoughts forgot
Settles in what counts the most

Keep me here; this wonderous state
Where fog lifts; the dance is straight
Reality escapes; the soul is driven

Dancing tingles; pleasure delights
Swirling, twirling; kaleidescope sights
Respectful honor what is gold to the soul

~ Dances With Terri  10/23/12 ~