About Me

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A Scorpio, I am. Sign of water/sexuality. Emotion. Myers/Briggs personality test resulted INTF (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving) 100% accurate! Only 1% of the world pop. has this personality type; the other 99% has trouble relating to INTF's! I am extremely introverted, can handle noise/crowds for exactly 1 hour before retreating to the quiet or my music somewhere. Oddly enough, I am drawn to customer service. I know these things: I love who I am! I love emotion. I am vulnerable. I care deeply. I love. And I love deeply. I will wait it out for return. I long to be loved. My children are my world. Nature is my solace, my constant, my peace. I hear each bird's tweet, adore shapes in the clouds, share the moon with everyone I know, smile at the song of my windchimes, wonder at the growth of a flower, drive to chase sunsets, enjoy a great storm, relax fully when the ocean is outside my door. My favorite word is dance. Dance represents how I strive to live..to a beat that allows my body and soul to release in rhythm. I am over 50 now. Dance with me ... while there is still time!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

September gone ~ October Falls in

The gold is vibrant, but it is the crimson I search for
And when the auburn displays, my heart smiles too
It is this month that color fuses the land
Ensuring summer is gone with

The green will fade and harvest takes over
Everything from moon and sky to leaves and land
Shine with enhancement and brilliance
Preparing for winter's solace

Beauty before death; Restoration for survival
Like so many of nature's finest habitants
We feed on this magnificent abundance 
Storing it within our soul

If September brings welcome chill and vigor
October hands out beauty for thrill and fill
Every new day delightful to what we may find
Sparing us starvation in the months ahead

Fill me with October ... and it's Fall

~ Dances with Terri ~ 10/02/11

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