About Me

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A Scorpio, I am. Sign of water/sexuality. Emotion. Myers/Briggs personality test resulted INTF (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving) 100% accurate! Only 1% of the world pop. has this personality type; the other 99% has trouble relating to INTF's! I am extremely introverted, can handle noise/crowds for exactly 1 hour before retreating to the quiet or my music somewhere. Oddly enough, I am drawn to customer service. I know these things: I love who I am! I love emotion. I am vulnerable. I care deeply. I love. And I love deeply. I will wait it out for return. I long to be loved. My children are my world. Nature is my solace, my constant, my peace. I hear each bird's tweet, adore shapes in the clouds, share the moon with everyone I know, smile at the song of my windchimes, wonder at the growth of a flower, drive to chase sunsets, enjoy a great storm, relax fully when the ocean is outside my door. My favorite word is dance. Dance represents how I strive to live..to a beat that allows my body and soul to release in rhythm. I am over 50 now. Dance with me ... while there is still time!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Best of Sunday

I listen, as the train rolls by
Can't see it, but all stops, as I hear it in the distance
I listen, as the birds sing songs
Cold as hell, but all stops and warms, as I rejoice in their song
I listen, as my heart skips beats
A thought of you, all but stops all that I do
I listen, as my eyes travel to the 'shrine' I built of you
Remembering, stops the ache of not having you
I listen, as the house stays so quiet
My sleeping child stops the loneliness that I feel
And so...

        My day starts POSITIVE
                With so many beautiful things that I am grateful for!

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