Mother’s Day
MOM = Ministry Of Miracles
As your mom, I give to you, my children:
As your mom, I give to you, my children:
LOVE – unconditional, in darkness and in light…no matter what, no matter how, no matter when, no matter why. My love will always, never-ending, be for you. I ask of you…to learn the power of love, and that in its unconditional state, it is the source of all things.
STRENGTH – take from me anytime you need it, my strength. Share with me your nightmares, your burdens, your sorrows, your weaknesses. I ask of you…to let me listen and share your disturbances; to learn to stand up for what you believe in, to stand against injustice, and to offer your own strength to a friend or stranger in need.
DISCIPLINE - I tell you ‘no’ when you want ‘yes’; I enforce the consequence to a wrongful or hurtful action. I do this for you and I ask of you…to learn self-respect, respect of others, what is right, and what is wrong.
ENCOURAGEMENT – Yes, you can! I push you because I know you can. I ask of you…to see more, to feel more, to touch more, to crave, desire, search out, find and hold more, more, more…to become confident.
FAITH – trust, my trust in you is ever-lasting…I entrust to you the courage to believe in things and to trust common sense and your intuition; and I share with you my steadfast faith in God as Our Father and Creator of all things. I ask of you…to encourage my trust in you; to look to the eternal in yourself; and to put all your trust and faith into knowing that God will walk with you in all that you do.
HAPPINESS – I can give to you the feeling of happiness in our shared experiences, but I want more for you – I want you to experience JOY, and that I cannot give you. So I ask of you…to look inside of yourself - it is there – AND to learn that the amount of joy you experience is connected to how open you are to receiving it.
COMPASSION - sharing wisdom, inspiring hope, wiping tears and touching your heart. I ask of you…to learn to withhold judgement of people and to know that a person’s beauty is not seen with your eyes, but felt with your heart. I ask of you to cry for other people’s pain, laugh for other people’s happiness, and to reach out and help with other people’s needs.
FAILURE – the ability to fail. I will offer guidance, support, my opinions, my values, but eventually the decision, the path you choose, is yours alone. Sometimes you may make the wrong choice, chose the wrong path…I will wait; I will watch you fail with tears in my eyes and daggers in my heart; I will waitand watch only because of the lessons failures provide to your life. I ask of you…to learn that failures, suffering, and bad choices are not eased with self-pity – they are overcome by your own inner resolve and spiritual strength and sometimes a little help from mom.
FORGIVENESS – my forgiveness in all that you do wrong. I ask of you…to feel and learn from the humility of a wrongful action, to show your remorse in words – I am sorry – and actions, repentance – a hug, a kind gesture, a prayer; to learn to forgive yourself. I ALSO ask of you…to learn the art of forgiving others who may wrong you, to learn that forgiving is more rewarding than avenging; and to learn that there is pleasure, joy, in lifting up others, not in pushing them down.
FREEDOM – the opportunity to explore…yourself, life, love. I will never hold you back unless it is physically dangerous. I ask of you…to use wise judgment, intuition, and confidence.
EXPRESSION – emotions. I ask of you…to cry and not hold back the tears when in pain, in disappointment, in loneliness, in sorrow, in grief, and in happiness, excitement, and joy; to say “I LOVE YOU” and to give hugs and touch openly and freely.
FLIGHT – the courage, and everything from top to bottom of this page, when it is time to spread your wings…and fly. I ask of you…to fill your heart with praise, grace, and gratitude in all your successes.
PRAYER – Each day I offer various prayers for each of you. And I thank Him every day for the miracle of you. I ask you…to realize the power of prayer and to believe in the difference that it makes in one’s life.
DANCE with your life.
DANCE through your life.
DANCE because of life.
I Love You,
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