Little gets done, on the list of to do's ... twirling me, is something else
Familiar it is, as I let it take over ... "feeling" (and writing), is most important today
Importance of this date, the chill in the air ... just two of the conduits, twirling me today
As a swirl and I twirl, I let in the dance ... thoughtful wonderings, myself I romance
My baby girl, such a beautiful name ~ Shannon Colleen ~ 22 today!!
I did good; She did even better. I miss her; My heart is swollen.
17 months apart from her older brother; I remember these beautiful babies so close together.
She shares a birth date with another; Today, 22 and 52 are significant numbers.
Through my child, to always remember ... Love is special on this 18th day of September!
Praying this year, as never before ... I feel blessed He grants me everything, I have asked for!!
Time after time, seemingly selfish requests ... Little things, basic things, He gives and He gives.
'Give me 5 more minutes'; 'Please let me be on time'. 'Show me how'; 'Guide me through'.
'Let this payment be enough'; 'Let them understand'. 'We need bread tomorrow'; 'Milk, the day next'.
'Keep them safe'; 'Let them come home'. He honors me; HE DOES EXIST!; Over and over, such love He shows!
The weather, though raining now, day two ... The thrill of September; Season of change, gracing the air.
Bringing nostalgia, wishes, dreams and even regrets; It seems, all of my life is lived in this season.
Leaves, journey their fall; Changing temps each new day. Chilly one day; Warmth returns, the next.
I love the surprises!; Unknowing, what is next. Mirrors my lifestyle; (Minus the days, I long to know).
What day is this?; A jumble of all. Twirling and swirling ... Round and round, I go.
Strongest this time of year, a want to know ... That embrace that waits, only for me
Someone to dance with; Just with me ... Twirl with me, swirl with me, take me away!
Someone to dance with; Just with me ... Twirl with me, swirl with me, take me away!
Lead, with the steps; Then, let me, the next. Catch me from falling; When in circles I go.
Poss-ibilities, they come and then go ... Wondering, am I; Not enough to bestow?
Maybe, it is ... my standards too high; If I am so "beautiful", then where do they go?
Loving me, seems real easy to me; Though I know, SOME DAYS, it can be pretty rough!
Corporate Cup ~ a 10K run ... Danny, my child, today, got it done!!
Training for weeks; Even stopped his drinking. Lost a few pounds; And gained more confidence!
Working for Kiewitt, Borders now closed ... Also, maintains full-time status at UNO!
Monday nights, he is on the air ~ co-hosting Bluejay Banter ... to his heart, he holds dear!
Successful, he is and daring to live; Again my heart swells (it's just pride Baby...they're not of sadness)
Today I am working; My children move on. Perfectly, perfect; So Ter, what's the prob?
Around and around ... Swirling and Twirling. Chaos there is, in my thoughts; Not my heart.
The "to do" list will get done ... in the timing it is meant too. I'll worry in sleep; Put it off in my wake.
Today, I must dance; Feel all I am meant too. Tomorrow, another day ... in beautiful September.
Everyone, who means anything at all to me ... has been in my thoughts, today on the 18th.
Thoughtful wonderings; today I romanced. Sometimes, my quiet job, leaves too much time on my hands.
A million thoughts, here not written ... I dance my best dance, when I let it take over.
Poss-ibilities, they come and then go ... Wondering, am I; Not enough to bestow?
Maybe, it is ... my standards too high; If I am so "beautiful", then where do they go?
Loving me, seems real easy to me; Though I know, SOME DAYS, it can be pretty rough!
Corporate Cup ~ a 10K run ... Danny, my child, today, got it done!!
Training for weeks; Even stopped his drinking. Lost a few pounds; And gained more confidence!
Working for Kiewitt, Borders now closed ... Also, maintains full-time status at UNO!
Monday nights, he is on the air ~ co-hosting Bluejay Banter ... to his heart, he holds dear!
Successful, he is and daring to live; Again my heart swells (it's just pride Baby...they're not of sadness)
Today I am working; My children move on. Perfectly, perfect; So Ter, what's the prob?
Around and around ... Swirling and Twirling. Chaos there is, in my thoughts; Not my heart.
The "to do" list will get done ... in the timing it is meant too. I'll worry in sleep; Put it off in my wake.
Today, I must dance; Feel all I am meant too. Tomorrow, another day ... in beautiful September.
Everyone, who means anything at all to me ... has been in my thoughts, today on the 18th.
Thoughtful wonderings; today I romanced. Sometimes, my quiet job, leaves too much time on my hands.
A million thoughts, here not written ... I dance my best dance, when I let it take over.
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